AI Apex Blog

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Differences & Considerations for AI Engineering Project Management 

June 30, 2024

Recently, we have been asked how AI engineering project management differs from a typical software development project. It’s a great question as organizations are now ready to delve deeper into AI. Consequently, the discussion around a methodology for AI project management is happening. 

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 6

May 28, 2024

Once your team is confident of its validated findings and conclusions, it is time to report to your corporate sponsors/executives. While status is important against your budget and plan, the real interest will be your findings, conclusions, and assessment of your health plan’s current AI utilization. 

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The Future Demand for AI Professionals & the Critical Need for Institutional Knowledge

June 30, 2023

With the announcements of major investments by large technology consulting and services firms in the re-skilling of thousands of employees to learn artificial intelligence you may question if the demand for AI specialists will be as great as this planned level of investment appears to be but is this only one component of the critical resources to deliver our AI-driven future? 

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 5

June 28, 2023

So, what is discussed in an Executive AI Workshop? You have your Executive AI Workshop planned and scheduled. Materials are prepared and have been reviewed for accuracy and relevance. Any advance reading for the participants has been sent to them at least 1 week in advance of the 2-day Workshop.

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 4

June 28, 2023

So, what is discussed in an Executive AI Workshop? You have your Executive AI Workshop planned and scheduled. Materials are prepared and have been reviewed for accuracy and relevance.

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 3

June 27, 2023

Once you get the AI project plan documented and approved, and your project is staffed and resourced, it is time to begin initial AI research including industry adoption of AI and other internal data collection.

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 2

June 27, 2023

You know that the first step to complete before fully developing your workplan is to begin with documenting the direction as you understand it from your corporate sponsors into a project charter. 

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An Approach for Planning Your Health Plan’s Strategic Application and Deployment of AI - Part 1

June 27, 2023

You have been asked by your Health Plan’s senior management to spend 100% of your time on leading a new corporate initiative to identify how and when Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be applied at the enterprise level into your organization’s application and technology architecture.

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What Is the Best Approach to Utilize AI Today?

June 23, 2023

Getting past the AI hype around “generative AI”, and all the media “concern” being reported, it is important to develop a sound organizational approach to utilize AI today. There are considerations and risks to applying and utilizing AI. Education is key to understanding what AI is and what it is not. 

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Let’s Not Forget About Humans

June 23, 2023

One fact we cannot forget is that AI is nowhere near a level of maturity to replace humans - or in fact the “human touch”. AI cannot be “empathic” even though it might try to be. How can today’s AI not have the need for us to be around to add to its factual knowledge and actual experience, correct its errors, and teach it other new things to do for us? AI needs humans to survive and grow.

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What additional costs will impact on your IT budget to “maintain” an AI solution?

June 23, 2023

As many organizations consider the use of utilizing AI in their organization what are the on-going costs to maintain an AI application? How does an IT manager budget for maintaining applications built on this new technology? 

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What Is the Optimal Approach to Applying and Managing AI?

June 21, 2023

Should it be implemented as a "point-solution," integrated at the "process" level, or incorporated as a new component in your enterprise systems and applications architecture? Often, the organization's risk tolerance plays a significant role in determining the approach to apply AI.

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The Application of AI as an Operational Optimization Tool Is Still Relatively New in Healthcare Organizations.

June 21, 2023

We have dedicated considerable time to developing an approach called "enterprise AI” and tailored it for healthcare to be effective when applying AI to create AI-driven healthcare solutions.

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How Can AI Be Utilized to Plan a Post-Merger/Acquisition Integration Effort?

June 21, 2023

The handshake has been completed, and the deal is documented, ensuring its certainty. Now, how can AI be utilized to plan the integration efforts after a merger or acquisition?

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A Change in One Area of Technology often Drives Change in Another

June 19, 2023

The cloud transition will most likely include the implementation of new application features and functionality - and rethinking how to better utilize existing capabilities - both necessitating changes in current business processes and workflows across various functions.

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An AI Solution Should Not Be Considered “Static”

June 19, 2023

By continually adding new and updated information to an AI’s knowledge base, new machine learning models can be developed to assist in decision-making functions or become an automated daily oversight function, or “watchdog”.

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Why AI is being Considered to Support Decision-Making in Strategic M&A Deal Analysis and Evaluation?

June 19, 2023

Over time, the AI “learns” more and more, and the M&A team’s AI Copilot becomes even more valuable during deal process management with a higher reliability factor for the information, recommendations, and predictions it provides.

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Utilizing AI to Capture the “experience” of Executives

June 14, 2023

Can you imagine the AI Copilot being with you and representing that experience of those “minds” when you input the facts around a particular topic?

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Utilizing AI to Optimize Operations

June 14, 2023

How should you begin incorporating AI when reimagining a business process?

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The First Stage of an “Enterprise AI Transformation” Approach

June 14, 2023

Depending on the project, there will be a set of solution specific questions about applying AI.

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Enhancing On-Line Provider Directory Accuracy with AI: A Transformative Approach

June 6, 2023

By leveraging the latest advancements in AI technology, we can develop innovative AI native solutions that automatically analyze, update, and maintain On-Line Provider Directories with unparalleled precision. 

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Revolutionizing Health Insurer Claims Payment Accuracy with AI

June 6, 2023

By harnessing the power of AI, we can create intelligent systems that automate claims analysis, ensuring precise and efficient payment processing.

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Perspectives on Mainstream Adoption of AI in Healthcare & Health Insurance

June 6, 2023

We want to share our perspectives on the mainstream adoption of AI in healthcare and health insurance, highlighting its potential beyond generative AI applications.

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